How to Calculate CVR (Conversion Rate)

CVR Calculator

CVR is calculated by dividing the number of people who converted by the number of users who clicked on the ad, and is shown as a percentage.

(Conversions ÷ Audience) = CVR

What is CVR?

Conversion Rate (CVR) is used to measure how well an ad converts users, and is normally used in performance campaigns. Conversions could mean different things to different advertisers, but in general, it is an action that your audience takes. For example, conversions could be app installs, email subscriptions, or product purchases.

CVR allows you to measure how well your ad is performing and manage your audience’s needs, such as getting insight into their purchasing interests. A high CVR indicates that a high percentage of your audience is taking the desired action, but a low CVR indicates that improvements may be needed in your advertising strategy.

How to calculate CVR?

CVR is calculated by dividing the number of people who converted by the number of users who clicked on the ad, and is shown as a percentage.

For example, if 1000 people saw your ad, and 10 of them signed up for your email newsletter, then your conversion rate would be 1%.

There is a simple formula to calculate CVR:

(Conversions total audience ) x 100

For example, if your website gets 5000 visitors this month, and 200 of these visitors purchased your product, your CVR would be calculated as:

  • 200 / 5000 = 0.04
  • 0.04 x 100 = 4%

In Excel and Google Sheets, this can be calculated by:

  • Input the number of conversions in cell A1
  • Input the total number of visitors into cell A2
  • In a third cell, enter the formula (A1/A2)*100

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